Don Vaniman, President of Vaniman Manufacturing Co., has been engineering clean air and work environments for 25 years, from an early focus in product design and R&D to running an international business with customers in a wide range of industries and locations.
Vaniman Manufacturing Co. is a family business, founded in 1985 by first asking dental professionals what problems they had in their dental offices, practices, or dental laboratories, and then began developing solutions. Today, the Vaniman lineup of products continues to serve the dental industry with a variety of dental equipment built to keep the air clean, the workspace functioning, and the workforce healthy. Vaniman has also expanded into a variety of other industries to serve this purpose, including aerospace, government, education, jewelry, and manufacturing.
Even before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Don Vaniman and the entire Vaniman company have been working in all different industries removing particulates and contaminants in the workplace. We are all eager to do our part to improve indoor air quality and keep people healthy and thriving.
Mr. Vaniman continues to push education during the pandemic. Being selected to be a part of the upcoming OSAP panel on June 3rd, 2021 is a testament to that mission.