Vaniman Manufacturing Co. produces portable in-room HEPA air purifiers for schools and school districts around the United States.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and evolves, indoor air quality (IAQ) remains a focal point. Leading researchers and government establishments cite IAQ as the most important upgrade schools can make.
How can Vaniman help?
Vaniman makes the Pure Breeze HEPA Air Purifier, a certified portable HEPA air cleaner designed for efficiency, reliability, and quietness.

Because of this pandemic, multiple relief bills passed by Congress over the last year and a half provide schools with unprecedented billions in funds. Specifically, the funds are for making upgrades to keep safe through the pandemic.
Even more specifically: this includes portable in-room air cleaners.
There is no reason schools should ignore these funds, since they cannot be squirreled away for rainy days.
Vaniman has already provided HEPA air purifiers to schools in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Michigan. We can ship large orders to anywhere in North America.
Speak to a Vaniman product specialist about portable HEPA air purifiers at special school pricing. Federal funds can be used for these purchases.

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Related: Key Takeaways on How to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 by Clearing the Air
Clearing the air of disease
We know that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is transmitted primarily by aerosols — far more than droplets from sneezing or coughing and more than contact with surfaces (although these are still lesser means of transmission). Tiny biological particles generated when we speak, yell, sing, or simply breathe spread the virus.
We also know that while the virus itself is as small as 0.125 micron, it travels on aerosols that are anywhere between 1.1 and 10 micron.
HEPA filters capture 99.97% of particles that pass through, as small as 0.3 micron. This is more than small enough to stop our biological aerosols.
This is why the public health community stresses the importance of HEPA filtration in classrooms.

A layered approach to IAQ safety
The Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse recommends 4-6 air changes per hour (ACH). In other words: purify the air in the room or replace the contaminated air with clean air that many times in one hour.
READ: Air Changes Per Hour: The What, Why, & How Answered.
In fact, the Best Practices Clearinghouse has this to say about it:
“With regard to school air quality, we recommend schools target four to six air changes per hour, which is achievable in most classroom spaces. CDC guidance recommends opening windows as a low-cost method of introducing more fresh air into a classroom. As per CDC guidance, however, do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk (e.g., risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms) to occupants in the building. If windows cannot be opened, purchasing portable cleaners with HEPA filters can achieve the recommended improvements in air quality.”
To do this, the BPC as well as the CDC recommend a layered approach to indoor air quality safety:
- Stop aerosols at the source by wearing face coverings.
- Pull in as much outdoor air as possible.
- Improve ventilation via the HVAC system.
- Supplement these efforts with in-room portable HEPA air purifiers.

READ: CDC Guidelines on Schools Safety: Air Quality
School safety protocols (such as area air pollution concerns or inclement weather) often dictate that windows and doors must remain closed.
Additionally, HVAC systems shouldn’t be overburdened by filters beyond their capacity; the heavier the filtration, the harder it is to move air. ACH isn’t improved if the air cannot move.
Hence the importance of the portable in-room air cleaners. They are not only a convenient solution to achieving safe ACH levels, they can provide benefits beyond the pandemic for decades to come.
According to a report from the Lancet Commission Task Force on Safe Work, Safe School, and Safe Travel, benefits from improved indoor air quality in schools can include:
- Better test scores
- Improvements in math, reading, and science scores
- Increased cognitive function
- Reduced asthma symptoms
- Fewer school absences
READ: The Lancet Commission Report

An American Company
The Vaniman Pure Breeze HEPA Air Purifier is assembled right here in the USA. All our units ship to schools directly from our factory in Murrieta, CA.
We encourage schools to use the funding from American tax dollars to buy American products from American companies.
The benefits of buying from Vaniman include:
- True customer service: you can call us and speak to an American specialist with knowledge of the product and how to fix any problems.
- We offer a three-year warranty: we know our quality is sound, and we stand by our products.
- We also make our own replacement parts: if any part of a Pure Breeze needs to be replaced (such as filters), you can call us for swift replacements and someone can even walk you through the process.
About the Pure Breeze HEPA Air Purifier:
Our units use a multi-stage HEPA filtration system, and ONLY HEPA filtration.
Why no UV light in the unit? Why no ionization?
The answer is simple: safety.
Unproven or emerging technologies can sometimes produce harmful byproducts and pollute the air more than they clean it. Unlike those newer features, HEPA filtration has been around since the mid-twentieth century. It is the only technology recommended by the CDC for portable air cleaners.
READ: Does UV Light Destroy Viruses in HEPA Filtration Devices?
CADR | 297 CFM |
Sound Level | 56 dB |
Warranty | 3 years |
Country of Manufacture | USA |
Technology Employed | HEPA Filtration |
Additional Product Data | CLICK HERE |

CDC: Ventilation in Schools and Childcare Programs –
The Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse: Building Organizational Capacity for Infection Prevention and Control –