Pre Filter Cyclones for Dust Collectors

Info: What is the Cyclone Filter Accumulator?

Our first pre filter cyclone dust collector, named the Accumulator, was developed back in 1985 and was the first dust separator of its kind. Using cyclonic motion, the device separates air from dust and debris and acts as a prefilter dust collector system before captured air enters the filter of the main dust collector system.

Our cyclone filter dust collection systems are made with highly durable custom molds that are designed for optimal cyclonic effect which allows pre-filtration of most materials including dust, metals, plastics, and wood.

These systems are extremely beneficial as they extend the filter and motor life of any dust collector system they are attached to. Our Accumulator design is the culmination of 35 years’ worth of engineering in a simple and affordable cyclone system.

Dental Dust Collectors
Industrial Dust Collectors

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