Vaniman Industrial Product

Master Problast Titan – 80080


  • Instant-Off feature immediately starts and stops media flow
    (non I/O models utilize a pressure bleed off through the nozzle after pedal release)
  • Giant powder-coated steel cabinet — two feet wide and nearly three feet deep
  • Comfortable hand cuffs
  • Built-in pressure delivery system including a 0-100psi adjustable filter regulator and foot pedal control
  • On/off and tank selector controls located inside the cabinet
  • Air blast nozzle inside cabinet for clean-up operations
  • Large, well lit work area
  • Handles all types of blasting media from 60 to 360 grit (25-250 micron)
  • Labor saving Easy Fill tanks hold up to 4 pounds of media
  • Tungsten carbide precision tips and Sapphire crystal tips
  • 1 Year Warranty

Use for general cleaning and oxide removal from parts, rock/matrix removal, surface preparation, deburring, etching, marking and more. Use with a StoneVac II or StoneVac Brushless SC, or ask about how to incorporate with our V6 SE multi-station dust collector in an integrated full-size setup!.

Comes standard with 25 micron, 50-100 micron, and 110-250 micron tanks
P/N 80080

Please contact Vaniman at (760) 723-1498 at time of ordering to discuss tank size combination options.

Diagrams & Instructions:


Compressed air requirements: minimum 90 PSI at 1.5 CFM (recommended 2.5 CFM).

FAQ: Air Supply Connections for Blasters (blog).

FAQ: What’s the Difference Between Our “Master” or Instant-Off (I/O) Sandblasters and the Standard Kind?

INTERNAL DIMENSIONS: 24″ wide x 34″ deep (back wall to hand entry) x 23″ high

Optional Accessories:

Replacement Parts:

Assembled in USAUSA Flag


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