External Odor Filter and Frame Kit – VMC-A420


Externally mounted Odor filter and frame assembly. Mounts to exhaust vent area of Vaniman Vanguard series dust collectors to add an additional layer of odor filtration using activated charcoal filters to remove harmful odors and vapors. Eliminates 95% of all odors, including monomer and resin odors.

Used on the following models

  • All Vanguard Series Dust Collectors
  • Van-I-Vac Dust Collector
  • Voyager Dust Collector


Part Number: VMC-A420


(Activated Charcoal is known to remove mercury from air.)

Click the sections below for more information

Maintenance Parts: Replacement External Odor Filter Pack

Documents & Information: External Odor Filter Installation Instructions

Adsorptive ability by chemical compound:
(E = Excellent; G = Good; F = Fair; P = Poor)

Expand to View All
Acetaldehyde: F
Acetic Acid: E
Acetic Anhydride: E
Acetone: G
Acetylene: P
Acrylic Acid: E
Acrylonitrile: E
Alcoholic Beverages: E
Amines: F
Ammonia: F
Amyl Acetate: E
Amyl Alcohol: E
Amyl Ether: E
Aniline: E
Asphalt Fumes: E
Automobile Exhaust: G
Benzene: E
Body Odors: E
Borane: G
Bromine: E
Burned Flesh: E
Burned Food: E
Butadiene: G
Butane: F
Butanone: E
Butyl Acetate: E
Butyl Alcohol: E
Butyl Cellosolve: E
Butyl Chloride: E
Butyl Ether: E
Butylene: F
Butyne: F
Butyraldehyde: G
Butyric Acid: E
Camphor: E
Caprylic Acid: E
Carbolic Acid: E
Carbon Disulfide: P
Carbon Dioxide: P
Carbon Monoxide: P
Carbon Tetrachloride: E
Cellosolve: E
Cellosolve Acetate: E
Cheese: E
Chlorine: G
Chlorobenzene: E
Chlorobutadiene: E
Chloroform: E
Chloronitropropane: E
Chloropicrin: E
Citrus and Other Fruits: E
Cleaning Compounds: E
Coal Smoke: G
Creosote: E
Cresol: E
Crotonaldehyde: E
Cyclohexane: E
Cyclohexanol: E
Cyclohexanone: E
Decane: E
Dibromoethane: E
Dichlorobenzene: E
Dichlorodifluoromethane: G
Dichloroethane: E
Dichloroethylene: E
Dichloroethyl Ether: E
Dichloromonofluoromethane: G
Dichloronitroethane: E
Dichloropropane: E
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane: E
Diesel Fumes: E
Diethylamine: G
Diethyl Ketone: E
Diethylaniline: E
Dimethyl Sulfate: E
Dioxane: E
Dipropyl Ketone: E
Ethane: P
Ether: G
Ethyl Acetate: E
Ethyl Acrylate: E
Ethyl Alcohol: E
Ethyl Amine: G
Ethyl Benzene: E
Ethyl Bromide: E
Ethyl Chloride: G
Ethyl Ether: G
Ethyl Formate: G
Ethyl Mercaptan: G
Ethyl Silicate: E
Ethylene: P
Ethylene Chlorohydrin: E
Ethylene Dichloride: E
Ethylene Oxide: G
Essential Oils: E
Eucalyptole: E
Fertilizer: E
Film Processing Odors: G
Fish Odors: E
Floral Scents: E
Fluorotrichloromethane: G
Formaldehyde: F
Formic Acid: G
Gangrene: E
Garlic: E
Gasoline: E
Heptane: E
Heptylene: E
Hexane: G
Hydrogen: P
Hydrogen Bromide: G
Hydrogen Chloride: F
Hydrogen Cyanide: G
Hydrogen Fluoride: F
Hydrogen Iodide: G
Hydrogen Selenide: F
Hydrogen Sulfide: G
Incense: E
Indole: E
Iodine: E
Iodoform: E
Irritants: E
Isophorone: E
Isopropyl Acetate: E
Isopropyl Alcohol: E
Isopropyl Ether: E
Kerosene: E
Kitchen Odors: E
Lactic Acid: E
Menthol: E
Mercaptans: E
Methane: P
Methyl Acetate: G
Methyl Acrylate: E
Methyl Alcohol: G
Methyl Bromide: G
Methyl Butyl Ketone: E
Methyl Chloride: G
Methyl Chloroform: E
Methyl Ether: G
Methyl Ether Ketone: E
Methyl Formate: G
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone: E
Methyl Mercaptan: E
Methylcyclohexane: E
Methylcyclohexanol: E
Methylcyclohexanone: E
Methylene Chloride: E
Monochlorobenzene: P
Monochloromonofluoromethane: E
Naphtha: E
Naphthalene: E
Nitric Acid: G
Nitrobenzene: E
Nitroethane: E
Nitrogen Dioxide: F
Nitroglycerine: E
Nitromethane: E
Nitrotoluene: E
Nonane: E
Octalene: E
Octane: E
Onions: E
Organic Chemicals: E
Ozone: E
Packing House Odors: E
Paint & Redecorating Odors: E
Palmitic Acid: E
Paradichlorobenzene: E
Pantane: G
Pentanone: E
Pentylene: G
Pentyne: G
Perchloroethylene: E
Perfumes, Cosmetics: E
Phenol: E
Phosgene: G
Pitch: E
Poison Gases: G
Pollen: G
Popcorn and Candy: E
Poultry Odors: E
Propane: F
Propionaldehyde: G
Propionic Acid: E
Propyl Acetate: E
Propyl Alcohol: E
Propyl Chloride: E
Propyl Ether: E
Propyl Mercaptan: E
Propylene: F
Propyne: F
Putrefying Substances: G
Putrescine: E
Pyridine: E
Resins: E
Rubber: E
Sauerkraut: E
Sewer Odors: E
Slaughtering Odors: G
Smog: E
Sour Milks: E
Stoddard Solvent: E
Styrene Monomer: E
Sulfur Dioxide: F
Sulfur Trioxide: G
Sulfuric Acid: E
Tetrachloroethane: E
Tetrachloroethylene: E
Tobacco Smoke Odor: E
Toilet Odors: E
Toluene: E
Toluidine: E
Trichloroethane: E
Trichloroethylene: E
Turpentine: E
Urea: F
Uric Acid: E
Valeraldehyde: E
Valeric Acid: E
Varnish Fumes: E
Xylene: E

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 3 in