Stage 3 Odor Filter – 97023


Activated carbon charcoal filter for absorbing a wide variety of odors.

P/N 97023

SKU: 97023 Categories: ,


Adsorptive ability by chemical compound:
(E = Excellent; G = Good; F = Fair; P = Poor)

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Acetaldehyde: F
Acetic Acid: E
Acetic Anhydride: E
Acetone: G
Acetylene: P
Acrylic Acid: E
Acrylonitrile: E
Alcoholic Beverages: E
Amines: F
Ammonia: F
Amyl Acetate: E
Amyl Alcohol: E
Amyl Ether: E
Aniline: E
Asphalt Fumes: E
Automobile Exhaust: G
Benzene: E
Body Odors: E
Borane: G
Bromine: E
Burned Flesh: E
Burned Food: E
Butadiene: G
Butane: F
Butanone: E
Butyl Acetate: E
Butyl Alcohol: E
Butyl Cellosolve: E
Butyl Chloride: E
Butyl Ether: E
Butylene: F
Butyne: F
Butyraldehyde: G
Butyric Acid: E
Camphor: E
Caprylic Acid: E
Carbolic Acid: E
Carbon Disulfide: P
Carbon Dioxide: P
Carbon Monoxide: P
Carbon Tetrachloride: E
Cellosolve: E
Cellosolve Acetate: E
Cheese: E
Chlorine: G
Chlorobenzene: E
Chlorobutadiene: E
Chloroform: E
Chloronitropropane: E
Chloropicrin: E
Citrus and Other Fruits: E
Cleaning Compounds: E
Coal Smoke: G
Creosote: E
Cresol: E
Crotonaldehyde: E
Cyclohexane: E
Cyclohexanol: E
Cyclohexanone: E
Decane: E
Dibromoethane: E
Dichlorobenzene: E
Dichlorodifluoromethane: G
Dichloroethane: E
Dichloroethylene: E
Dichloroethyl Ether: E
Dichloromonofluoromethane: G
Dichloronitroethane: E
Dichloropropane: E
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane: E
Diesel Fumes: E
Diethylamine: G
Diethyl Ketone: E
Diethylaniline: E
Dimethyl Sulfate: E
Dioxane: E
Dipropyl Ketone: E
Ethane: P
Ether: G
Ethyl Acetate: E
Ethyl Acrylate: E
Ethyl Alcohol: E
Ethyl Amine: G
Ethyl Benzene: E
Ethyl Bromide: E
Ethyl Chloride: G
Ethyl Ether: G
Ethyl Formate: G
Ethyl Mercaptan: G
Ethyl Silicate: E
Ethylene: P
Ethylene Chlorohydrin: E
Ethylene Dichloride: E
Ethylene Oxide: G
Essential Oils: E
Eucalyptole: E
Fertilizer: E
Film Processing Odors: G
Fish Odors: E
Floral Scents: E
Fluorotrichloromethane: G
Formaldehyde: F
Formic Acid: G
Gangrene: E
Garlic: E
Gasoline: E
Heptane: E
Heptylene: E
Hexane: G
Hydrogen: P
Hydrogen Bromide: G
Hydrogen Chloride: F
Hydrogen Cyanide: G
Hydrogen Fluoride: F
Hydrogen Iodide: G
Hydrogen Selenide: F
Hydrogen Sulfide: G
Incense: E
Indole: E
Iodine: E
Iodoform: E
Irritants: E
Isophorone: E
Isopropyl Acetate: E
Isopropyl Alcohol: E
Isopropyl Ether: E
Kerosene: E
Kitchen Odors: E
Lactic Acid: E
Menthol: E
Mercaptans: E
Methane: P
Methyl Acetate: G
Methyl Acrylate: E
Methyl Alcohol: G
Methyl Bromide: G
Methyl Butyl Ketone: E
Methyl Chloride: G
Methyl Chloroform: E
Methyl Ether: G
Methyl Ether Ketone: E
Methyl Formate: G
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone: E
Methyl Mercaptan: E
Methylcyclohexane: E
Methylcyclohexanol: E
Methylcyclohexanone: E
Methylene Chloride: E
Monochlorobenzene: P
Monochloromonofluoromethane: E
Naphtha: E
Naphthalene: E
Nitric Acid: G
Nitrobenzene: E
Nitroethane: E
Nitrogen Dioxide: F
Nitroglycerine: E
Nitromethane: E
Nitrotoluene: E
Nonane: E
Octalene: E
Octane: E
Onions: E
Organic Chemicals: E
Ozone: E
Packing House Odors: E
Paint & Redecorating Odors: E
Palmitic Acid: E
Paradichlorobenzene: E
Pantane: G
Pentanone: E
Pentylene: G
Pentyne: G
Perchloroethylene: E
Perfumes, Cosmetics: E
Phenol: E
Phosgene: G
Pitch: E
Poison Gases: G
Pollen: G
Popcorn and Candy: E
Poultry Odors: E
Propane: F
Propionaldehyde: G
Propionic Acid: E
Propyl Acetate: E
Propyl Alcohol: E
Propyl Chloride: E
Propyl Ether: E
Propyl Mercaptan: E
Propylene: F
Propyne: F
Putrefying Substances: G
Putrescine: E
Pyridine: E
Resins: E
Rubber: E
Sauerkraut: E
Sewer Odors: E
Slaughtering Odors: G
Smog: E
Sour Milks: E
Stoddard Solvent: E
Styrene Monomer: E
Sulfur Dioxide: F
Sulfur Trioxide: G
Sulfuric Acid: E
Tetrachloroethane: E
Tetrachloroethylene: E
Tobacco Smoke Odor: E
Toilet Odors: E
Toluene: E
Toluidine: E
Trichloroethane: E
Trichloroethylene: E
Turpentine: E
Urea: F
Uric Acid: E
Valeraldehyde: E
Valeric Acid: E
Varnish Fumes: E
Xylene: E

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 18 × 16 × 6 in